Paidoff™ Rewards

Pay Off Your Home Even Much Faster!



Paidoff rewards you for using your own credit card that you already have.  This allows you to pay off your home even much faster.  You heard this right.  This is our little wealth secret. With Paidoff™, our clients pay their normal living expenses with their credit card that earns them the most rewards. Then, they pay it in full with their Line of Credit funds at the end of each month. This is an extremely profitable way to maximize your rate of return. Your credit card lender just gave you a FREE 2%-5% in additional earnings without any interest cost to you! It is Free Money!

But there is more. Since you are using your rewards credit card all month long, your loan balance remains much lower, thus maximizing your interest savings. Using this smart strategy, puts your money to work for you in overdrive! 

However, some chose to forgo this option and use their Line of Credit and then use cash for their living expenses.  Whatever way you decide to go, it is the right way for your personal situation.  The great thing Paidoff offers both rewards and options.  What other home loan rewards you this way?  


  • Save 2%-5% each month by using your own credit card you already have.
  • Your additional savings are automatically reinvested into your mortgage.
  • The strategy keeps your loan balance lower.
  • Pays your mortgage off even much faster.


If you have any questions contact Paidoff today.  We are here to help you.



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